Sunday 22 April 2012

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, first blog weeeee!

So I thought I'd start my very own blog because let's face it the amount of crap that I share would probably not fit into one status update. I promise I shall keep the "lol" for Facebook and not post it on here because this is for all of my genius writings. (not really) I apologize in advance if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes in my blog, but let's face it, nobody's perfect and I think I'm doing quite well seeing as though there are many people out there that don't know the difference between 'weather' and 'whether'.

Alright let's get this blog rolling with my first topic...

As I said at the start, there is a lot of crap that I post of Facebook, but let's face it (haha I said face) Facebook is a social site. IT ASKS ME WHAT'S ON MY MIND! I know there are people out there that go Facebook is not a "Dear Diary" but if it wasn't then it shouldn't ask me what's on my mind. Do you see where I'm coming from people.

I admit, I am one of those that every now and then I will share exactly what is on my mind. I admit that sometimes that certain thing that is on my mind is not always the most pleasant. I just need to vent people and I'm sure there are lots of people out there that need to vent as well. I mean not every one of us goes on Facebook just to upload cute photos of kittens and puppy dogs. In reality a lot of us go on there to share. Whether it's what you ate for lunch, where you are, what game you are playing at the moment or photos from last nights drunken antics. You are on there S-H-A-R-I-N-G. I am on there sharing, just like this blog now. If you don't like reading my status updates or even my blog then stop reading. STOP READING NOW.

Hmmnn... I see that you are still reading. If so kudos to me. I have managed to not scare you off. I'm done with my little whinge now and I promise that tomorrows blog shall be a happier blog filled with sunshine and rainbows or whatever. Blah.

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